Fundraising with Catholic Car Magnets
Jaimee Keogler
Jesus told His disciples “go out to all the world and tell the good news” (Matthew 15:16). These words echo throughout the history of our Church, and in each of our hearts. It takes our willingness, prayer, and an openness to the Holy Spirit to fulfill this great commission from Christ..... And it often takes additional funds to bring these inspirations to fruition.
Whether you want to host a life-changing retreat for your youth group, serve the poor through a mission trip, or simply offer refreshments to attract new members to your Bible Study, a fundraiser could be truly beneficial for you. And that's why we’re here to help.
You see, as a large Catholic family we have a variety of ministry experience. These experiences include .... Music Ministry, directing Religious Education, running youth groups, attending mission trips, youth conferences, working in Parish Offices, teaching Natural Family Planning, Marriage Preparation and being members of the Knights of Columbus, Pro-life groups and bible studies.... We know the extensive costs that come with each of these aspects of Parish life and we've fundraised in countless ways to promote the groups, ministries and positions we've been involved in. Not only that but having held positions within Parishes we know the discouragement that can be faced when you have great plans and aspirations for your group but you simply don't have the funds to make them a reality. This is why it is our goal to help expand the reach of Catholic Parishes and organizations through easy and effective fundraising. It is our goal to help you to have the most successful and easy-to-run fundraiser as possible.
Nothing against the classic Catholic bake sale... but we want to sell something that will last beyond the Church parking lot

You must be wondering, why Car Catholic Magnets? At the end of Mass we’re encouraged to “Go forth” and often times we’re unsure how to bring the Good News beyond the parking lot. Our Magnets are a simple way to do just that. When you host a Catholic Car Magnet fundraiser you can spread beauty, truth and goodness while raising money, and help other Catholics to spread the Good News everywhere they go.

Are you ready to host a Catholic Car Magnet Fundraiser with your Parish or Catholic Group?
It's really simple:
1 | CONTACT US -- with the details about your group, potential fundraiser dates and the size of your Parish. We will help you plan every detail of your Car Magnet Sale.
2 | FUNDRAISE -- We will provide a personalized flyer, social media posts and bulletin publications created by our graphic designer to help you promote your fundraiser (check out these samples). We will ship your magnets 1-week prior to your sale -- all at no cost to you!
Really, you have nothing to lose.
3 | CASH IN -- Within the week following your Fundraiser, ship the unsold Magnets back to us (if there are any). Once we receive your shipment, we will send you an invoice charging you only for the magnets that were sold. You keep OVER 50% of the proceeds, AND 10% of the profits we receive back will be donated towards a Shrine of the Holy Innocents and burial place for babies.
It's a win, win.
We look forward to working with you and are grateful for your support!
If you aren't in a position to run a fundraiser at this time, please help support our mission by sharing the news with your family, friends, Youth Minister or Pastor ... and know of our prayers for you!